Problems and Prospect of Apparels Industry in Bangladesh
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
A.M.C.S Textile Ltd (AEPZ)
Garments Industry in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is developing country, improving its economy by exporting garment product to global market. Though garments product is our main foreign income. But in some case all the product manufacturing raw materials may be not available in our country. Bangladeshi garment factories work with quite poor productivity, which is manifested by the off-the –clock work in this very vital sector of our industry. The major problem is the poor management system in this sector. But very few numbers of industries that look for better systems and management.
Problems of Garments Industry in Bangladesh:
In Bangladesh the local laws present in the book. Those laws are not properly applied in real life. So most of the local factory management looks for long hours of work rather than looking for modern management tools to complete production target within the designated hours of work. This long period working hours and low salary range of workers are the main reason. For that reason, a vast industrial sector has been working without modern management tools like work study, time study, method study, TQM, ISO etc.

Apparel Industry in Bangladesh
In Bangladesh apparel industries work under great stress and with lots of problems. Here mention few common problems as following.
- Most of the Manufacturer in Bangladesh can’t source essential materials such as fabric, trims, accessories etc. on time.
- Lab dips is an important tram in an apparel industry. Most of the time its take a long time to develop.
- Another common problem is produce on time fabric. Composite mills can’t produce fabrics with proper quality on time.
- Lack of modern management system such as work study, time study, method study, TQM, ISO etc.
- Another common problem is on time salary payment. Employee’s salary and overtimes are not provided on time. This problem becomes making employees to the extreme of unhappiness.
Workers strike for salary
- There are no scope of continuously trained up for employees and workers in factories.
- Even though our management can’t properly trained up their workers.
- Most of the garments factories has not well production line design.
Bangladesh is an agricultural Country. Most of the people in this country are depending on agriculture. After that, garments sector is the second largest item for the economy. It earns huge foreign remittance which is active of national economy. It also represents the global market with better reputation like USA, Japan, Korea, China, UK, Switzerland, etc. So, we should carefully handle the all issue perspective of Garments industry. In some cages Govt. has taken different regulatory issue carefully.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.