Garments Consumption for Knit Fabric
Sanjeev Tiwari Sonu
Merchant at TCNS ltd Noida
B-tech from U.P.T.U. University
Lucknow, UP, India.
Garments Consumption:
In garment industry’s consumption is the most common word used for knitting and costing. Because when we need to quote the yarn price to the buyer, we required consumption also to recover the wastage of yarns. When we take the consumption of garment in knitting industry, we have taken yarn average as per gross weight and this gross weight of the garment is known as consumption of garment.
Garments Consumption for Knit Fabric:
As we know that in garment industry each garment has its own properties and each garment have wastage according to property of garment. For this reason consumption process is applicable in flat related knitting industry. In circular knitting, there are different processes for average and consumption will discuss in my next article.

Fabric Consumption
For consumption below two things required-
1.Net weight of garment
2. Gross weight of garment
1. Net Weight of Garment:
As discussed in my previous article sampling is a process where buyer selected the samples for order placement. Once sampling is done according to the buyer requirement they selected samples in their presentation. After that selected sample they hand over to nominate vendors for costing. In knitting Industries when we start sampling we took a net weight of the garment. If style is in solid color, then it is very easy to find the net weight of the garment but if garment have multi colors, then we find a net weight according to color and percentage of different color yarns used in garment. Means we said that in sampling process net weight of the garment will be closed in the initial knitting process of the sample.

Knit Fabric
2. Gross Weight of Garment:
Gross weight of Knitted garment is equal to the net weight of the garment plus wastage, after panel knitting and washing we know that we cut the panel according to the pattern has been made as per spec sheet. In knitting industry when we start the knitting on the flat machine either panel will be fixed or panel will be cut and sew. In fixed panel there is very less wastage because this type of knitted panels directly goes on linking machine and cutting is very less, hence the wastage is also very less but in cut and sew knitted panel this is totally cut apple and before linking garment will cutting as per patter after that goes on linking, hence cutting wastage is more in comparison of fix panel. Also, we said that percentage of wastage is increasing.
As we above discuss about wastage so gross weight of garment is required for recover the wastage of garment and we quoted the yarn price according to gross weight of garment.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
Plz mention the actual % of wastage from yarn to finished products and the standard rate of dyeing and knitting charge of per kg yarn/ fabrics. Your early response is requested
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