Flow Chart of Knitting Process in Apparel Industry 
Sanjeev Tiwari Sonu
Merchant at TCNS ltd Noida
B-tech from U.P.T.U. University
Lucknow, UP, India.
Email: Sanjeevtiwari322@gamil.com
In my previous article, I was discussing about a basic flowchart of knit merchandising. Today I would like to discuss another topic about knitting, which is the total knitting process with flow chart. If we describe it, then merchant work is started when sampling starts for order confirmation. Sampling is a process where we developed sample as per buyer requirement and need to dispatch on time because sampling is way for order confirmation. After that, development sample buyer selected some samples and need costing and this is a key role in order because if buyer is satisfied with the cost then they confirm order.
Knitting Process:
Once an order is confirmed buyer need T&A called time and an action plan for order execution because buyers need that to provide maximum order in minimum time through better time management so T&A is most important. After that lab dip approvals for sample color, yarn order for knitting of the garment, Trims order and approval for CMT, pre-production sample approval for production go ahead, pre-production meeting for buyer satisfaction (we execute production on time), after that CMT follow up on the floor that garment is manufactured as per approved sample. Before starting production, we hand over the production file to quality assurance to assure garment quality, also need to send the garment in testing to ensure that the garment is passing all testing parameters as per buyer requirements.

Knit Garments
Flow Chart of Knitting Process:
Below is the basic knit garment manufacturing process-
Order confirmation
Panel washing
Panel checking
Panel pressing
Panel cutting
Buttoning (if apply)
Final press
Shipment samples send in mid of production if buyer needed to ensure that your sample is developing as per your requirement. When finishing and packing is done, we offer final inspection to the buyer then buyer send their quality team for final inspection. When the quality person is satisfied with garment quality then he passed the garment and goods is ready for dispatch. Generally, these all process handles by merchandiser and the process is called knit merchandising.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
Sir, this chart is very useful to me thanx 4 this.
Sir can u please explain about ‘Linking’ process