Qualities and Responsibilities of Visual Merchandiser 
Doli Rani
Shahdra, Delhi-110093
Email: dolirani513@gmail.com
Visual Merchandising:
Visual merchandising is a profession that involves displaying merchandise & decor in a store in a way that create a positive image of the store, gets customers attention & entices them to buy. Visual merchandising refers to anything that can be seen by the customer inside & outside of a store, including displays, decorations, signs & layout of space. The overall purpose of visual merchandising is to get customers to come into the store & spend money. By the help of my job experience, now I would like to discuss about the qualities and job responsibility of visual merchandiser.
Qualities and Responsibilities of Visual Merchandiser:
Visual merchandising includes how merchandise is presented as well as the stores total atmosphere. Visual merchandising starts on the outside of the store or its exterior presentation & carries on to the interior presentation.
The qualities and job responsibility of visual merchandiser details as follows-
- The main responsibilities of a visual merchandiser is to increase sales and buyer attention, capitalizing on the human tendency to “window-shop”.
- Visual merchandiser should be responsible for creating and maintaining a compelling presentation of merchandise that will engage customers and help stimulate sales activity.
- Proper knowledge how to use space for product display and lighting system for product visibility.
Merchandiser making a product display
- Creating new design ideas for exhibitions and developing floor plans also he/she making total company plan.
- Making special displays for promoting a specific product which will make next to a satisfy offer.
- Drawing product designs and tactics by help of hand or computer.
- Creating proper environment of a store’s space for product display.
- Developing exclusive merchandising plans and send them each branch of a store.
- Always try to giving support both of product manufacturer and buyer.
- Make up displays with dummies by the help of buyer product.
- Assembling screens, fabric, display materials and posters for a successful displays.
- Ensuring the total prices, size level, bar code and other essential details can be seen on product.
- Follow up all the process and note down for the further information.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.