Steps of Garments Finishing
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
A.M.C.S Textile Ltd (AEPZ)
Garments Finishing:
Finishing is very important section in the garment industry. In this sector we take the finished goods from sewing section and keep records, then after suckering it we send to iron section. Then the ironman irons these as per buyer instructions. The thread is sucking, fusing machine, metal Detector, vacuum table, Steam Iron, Table granding machine, Stan drill machine etc. are used in the finishing process. Let’s see the steps of garments finishing with brief descriptions
Flow Chart of Garments Finishing:
Flow chart of garments finishing are as follows-

Flow chart of garments finishing
Steps of Garments Finishing:
The steps of garments finishing are as follows-
1. Goods Received from Sewing Section:
At first, finished garments are received from sewing section as per order quantity. Good received from sewing section is the first step to finishing section.
2. Thread Sucking by Machine:
In this step extra lose sewing thread are sucking by sucking machine in garments. Threads are suckered by two systems. One by done by hand which is manual system and the other is done by sucking machine.
3. Ironing:
Ironing is a finishing process done by a cloth to heat and pressure with or without steam to remove creases and to impart a flat appearance to garments. Ironing process is also called as pressing process. After completing ironing, garments have to be folded.

Ironing process in Garments
5. Measurement Check by QC:
When ironing process running that time also check measurement of garments. During the ironing process measurement is also check out by the QC.
6. Attach Price Tags and Accessories:
After above process, different types of tags and accessories are attached with the garments as per buyer comment. For an export order, must attach price tags with the garments.
7. Metal Detection:
Garments are passed through into the metal detection m/c for metal check. Now most of the buyer recommended to use metal detector for garments more safety. To use metal detector for kid’s item is must.
8. Folding:
Garments are folded according to buyer directions in a standard area. There are fore types of folding in garments. They are as follows-
- Stand up
- Semi stand up
- Flat back
- Hanger pack.
8. Packing:
After folding garments are ready for packing. The size of polythene is vary according to the size, garments ratio. Before packing it is needed to ensure the placement of sticker in proper place.

Garments Packing Process
9. Assortment:
After completing the packing, it must be placed the garments in a predetermined packed by sorting according to the size and color is called assortment.
10. Cartooning:
At last cartooning is done according to buyer comment into the inner boxes and is properly warped by the scotch tape. Some information like carton box no, size, shipping mark, destination are printed on the cartoon.
11. Final Inspection:
Final inspection is an important part and last step of garments finishing. Normally final inspection is made by buyer. Buyer checks the garments according some rules like Accepted Quality Level (AQL).

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
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