Differences between Label and Motif
S M Fijul Kabir (Mahin)
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Lecturer, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
Email: smfijulkabir@gmail.com
There are different types of trimmings are used in the apparel industry. Level and motif both are important parts of garments, but level is essential for every garment whereas motif is an optional choice. In this article, I would like to share my perspective about the motif, label and their differences in the apparel industry.
Label is an essential part of the garments. The garment label is must The label is mini cataloger of the garments which gives a short description about the size, fiber content, type of fiber, fabric composition, care inspection, country of origin, company name, and trade mark.

Motif is known as decorative figure which is attached outside the garments. Generally motif contains a company name, brand name, trade mark and some kinds of symbols of garments. Now-a-days motifs are designed by embroidering and sometimes by printing.

The Differences between Label and Motif:
1. Generally label give a short description about the size, fiber content, type of fiber, care inspection, country of origin, company name, and trade mark.
1. A motif is a decorative figure of pattern. These may be cut out & applied to a garment for ornamentation.
2. Generally label is attached inside the garments.
2. Generally motif is attached outside the garments.
3. The labels are made by non-woven and printing the instructions of a garment.
3. The motifs are made by embroidery and sometimes by printing.
4. A label contains the size, fiber content, type of fiber, fabric composition, care inspection, country of origin, company name, and trade mark, and so on of a garment.
4. A motif contains a company name, brand name, trade mark and some kinds of symbols of garments.
5. The label is attached by folding the cutting edge and sewn as the help of plain machine and zigzag machine.
5. The motif is attached by ultrasonic welding to the garments. Sometimes it is attached by sewing.
6. It can be made by narrowing yarn and thermoplastic fiber when are used in expensive labels and cheap label respectively.
6. It can be made by thermoplastic yarn.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.