The Quality Control in Sewing Section
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising
Asst. Prof., Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Sewing Section:
The largest and the most important section in a garment industry is its sewing section. In this section, each and every sewing machine and jobs of machine operators should be inspected on a routine basis for identifying, correcting and controlling of faults and maintaining quality of products. There is no hard and fast standard up to which a product would be inspected. This depends on product price intended quality and available manpower.
Quality Inspection in Garments Sewing Section:
For inspection, sample should be chosen randomly. The number of samples to be inspected is to be inspected is determined by various methods.
But in apparel industry mostly used method are-
- Acceptance sampling plan.
- Skip bundle system.
But in garments industries skip bundle system is generally practiced. According to this system, the more the number of defects the more will be the amount of inspection and vice-versa.
In sewing section, the following skip bundle sampling plan may be followed-
N=the no. of sample to be tested from a bundle
C=the no. of defective samples which can be taken
S=Skip interval; i.e. the no. of bundles after which sample swill be taken.
M= Clearance interval i.e. no. of successive good/ approved bundles.

Garments Sewing
For example, the following may be considered-
- 12 samples are collected form a bundle randomly.
- Samples are inspected. If there is no fault, then sample are approved and each 4th bundle is to be inspected.
- But if one or more faults are detected, the bundle is rejected and sends to operator.
- Again 12 samples are inspected from each bundle and checked for faults. If no fault, then approved; if faults are found, then sent to operator.
- This process continues until two successive bundles, supplied by operator, are completely faultless and again each 4th bundle is to be inspected.
- When sample size is 30, then inspection is operated according to 12 samples, but when one fault in 30 is found, this fault is corrected with the operator and bundle is approved.
- When sample size is 12, maximum 4.5% defected garments are allowable and when it is 30, then 3.7% are allowable.
Speech from the writer:
If you read this article with full concentration, then you can easily answer the following questions-
- How to Inspection Sewing Section in Garments
- How to Inspection Sewing Section in Garments
- How to Maintain Sewing Section Quality
- How to Maintain Sewing Section Quality
- Sewing Plan in Garments
- Sewing Plan in Garments
- Sewing Section Quality in Apparel Industry
- Sewing Section Quality in Apparel Industry
- What is Sewing Section
- What is Sewing Section

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.