Quality Control in Printing Section
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising
Asst. Prof., Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Email: mnnabi@adust.edu.bd
Quality Control in Garments Printing Section :
Printing section is an important section in the total garments manufacturing process. Printing has done both woven and knitted fabrics, but now-a-days mostly used on knitted fabric to print a garment. After printing the material is received by the quality control department.
Before delivery the tests that are done can be grouped as follows-
- Physical Tests
- Chemical Tests
A. Physical Tests:
The physical tests are –
1. Shade Check:
Shade check is done for all the rolls in a batch after printing. The light sources used are usually recommended by the buyer for shade check & determining the mesmerism of shades.
Light sources used: – Artificial day light D-65, TL 83, Flourecent light, UV light.
Equipment used:- Verivide light box

Shade Check
2. Fabric GSM Checks:
Fabric GSM is measured after the inspection. To measure the GSM the fabric is cut by GSM cutter and its weight is measured by electric balance. Then the result is multiplied by 100 to get the actual result.

GSM Cutter for Fabric GSM Checks
3. Fabric Diameter Check:
After compacting the diameter of the fabric is constantly measured. If the diameter & the GSM are not appropriate then the fabric is treated in tumble dryer or the compactor.
4. Rubbing Fastness Test:
For rubbing fastness test they follow ISO 105 X 12 methods. 10 rub is done in 10 second in both warp and weft direction for both dry and wet rubbing. Change of shade of the sample is measured with grey scale and degree of staining of the test cloth is measured by staining scale.

Rubbing Fastness Test
B. Chemical Tests:
The chemical tests are –
- Color Fastness to Wash
- Color Fastness to Perspiration
- Color Fastness to Saliva
- Color Fastness to Water

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.