List of Quality Control Equipment
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising
Asst. Prof., Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Quality Control:
Proper quality of products can be maintained by checking the material at the different stages a take proper action or decision. For yarn manufacturing process, yarn quality control and testing can be classified in to three ways. They are as follows-
- Fiber Testing Equipment
- Lap, Sliver and Roving Testing Equipment
- Yarn Testing Equipment
Quality Control Equipment for Yarn Manufacturing :
To check the material quality, the following equipment are required in Quality Control department of a modern yarn manufacturing mill or spinning mill-

Different Types of Quality Control Equipment
1. Fiber Testing Equipment:
- HVE-for fineness, color, trash, strength and length measurement.
- AFIS-for neps, seed coat neps, size of neps, fiber length, short fiber content, dia/fineness, immature fiber content, no. and size of trash, no. and size of dust.
- Shirley analyzer-for trash content measurement.
- Nep counter-for fiber length, neps, sort fbre% measurement.
- Fiber bundle strength tester(Pressley/Stelometer)-for strength testing.
- Moisture regain tester-for M.R.% testing.
- Rapid conditioning unit.
- Sugar of strictness tester-for testing honey dew.
2. Lap, Sliver and Roving Testing Equipment:
- Lap length counter.
- Balance ,scale, warp block- for testing sliver and roving hank.
- Nep counting board.
- Auto sorter-for sliver count testing.
- Evenness tester-for testing lap and sliver irregularity.
3. Yarn Testing Equipment:

Yarn Package
- Warp reel and balance-yarn count testing
- Auto sorter-for count and C.V.% analyzer
- Evenness tester (USTER3)-yarn imperfection, U.I%, spectrometer, hairiness.
- USTER classimat-yarn fault classify.
- Yarn tension meter
- Twist tester
- Single yarn and lea yarn strength tester.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
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