Differences between Tappet Shedding, Dobby Shedding & Jacquard Shedding
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor chief Textile Merchandising
Assistant Professor
Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Email: raju.uttara105@gmail.com
Tappet Shedding:
A tappet is a shedding tool placed on the peak of a loom in order to produce a pattern by using a limited number of heads. The tappet shedding is the combination of tappets and cams motion that the reason of shafts is lifted up to form the shed. This type of shed is formed in tappet loom and is called tappet shedding. In tappet shedding, the maximum no. of healds shafts is 14. In case, the repeats of the desired design need more than 14 shafts, then a dobby loom has to be used.
Dobby Shedding:
A dobby is a shedding tool placed on the peak of a loom in order to produce a pattern by using a big number of healds than the ability of a tappet. The shed which is formed by a dobby is called dobby shedding. Theoretically, dobby shedding can control a maximum of 48 heald frames. In wool, practically 36 healds and in cotton, 24.
Jacquard Shedding:
Jacquard is a shedding tool placed on the peak of the loom to produce a huge number of patterns with the help of a large number of warp threads individually. But there has no heald shaft to use. The shed which is formed by a jacquard is called jacquard shedding. Theoretically, jacquard shedding can control any no. of warp thread individually.

Basic structure of loom shedding
Differences between Tappet Shedding, Dobby Shedding & Jacquard Shedding:
The Differences between Tappet Shedding, Dobby Shedding & Jacquard Shedding are as follows-
Tappet shedding
Dobby shedding
Jacquard shedding
Design capacity
Here, design capacity is
Here, design capacity is medium that is complex.
Here, design capacity elaborate that is very complex.
Loom Cost
Cost of the loom is costly.
Cost of the loom is less.
Cost of the loom is very less.
Speed of Loom
Here, loom speed is very high.
Here, loom speed is medium to high.
Here, loom speed is Slow.
No. of Heald Shafts used
In tappet shedding, maximum no. of heald shafts is 14.
Theoretically, dobby shedding can control maximum 48 heald frames. In wool, practically 36 heald and in cotton, 24.
Theoretically, jacquard shedding can control any no. of warp thread individually.
Loom placement
The tappet is placed normally below the loom.
Dobby is placed above the loom.
Jacquard is placed above the loom.
Production cost
Production cost is lower.
Production cost is low.
For different designs
For different designs, different tappets are fitted to bottom shaft.
For different designs, different designs of pegging legs are placed on a cylinder or pattern drum.
For different design, different designed pinched cards are placed on the cylinder.
Production Efficiency
Production efficiency is more than the dobby.
Production efficiency is less then tappet efficiency.
Production efficiency is less then dobby efficiency.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
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