Role of RMG Sector in Bangladesh
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
A.M.C.S Textile Ltd (AEPZ)
Ready Made Garments (RMG) sector plays an important role in the total economy of Bangladesh. Now-a-days RMG sector is a multi-billion-dollar earning business and export industry in Bangladesh. Therefore, this sector is number one earner of foreign currency in Bangladesh. The journey of RMG sector in Bangladesh has been started in 1980s since then; this sector did not require for looking back. RMG sector improves our GDP, which makes us new rising countries on the earth.
Role of RMG Sector in Bangladesh:
There are lots of role RMG sector in Bangladesh. The garments sector of Bangladesh most of the worker is women. At least 80% women workers are working in this sector. Therefore, the contributions of women workers are very important. Anyway, in brief the important roles are-

A Women Worker
Economic Role:
Bangladesh is a fertile field for RMG sector. It has brought revolutionary to its economy contributing about 81% to its total foreign income which was 3.89% in 1980-81. Therefore, RMG sector in Bangladesh acts as the vertebral column of our economy.
Solving Unemployment Problem:
Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. With the increase of population employment opportunities is not creating accordingly. So a large number of its population is to remain jobless. But the growth of RMG sector have created job opportunities for more than 6 million people directly and about 30 million more indirectly.
Women Social Status:
In Bangladesh, the majority of workers of RMG sector are women. Women are not kept confined within the four walls of kitchen only to cook. They are now incoming which has changed their contribution in family and social decision making.
Development of other Key Sectors of Economy:
The RMG sector stimulates the development other key sectors of economy and contributes to launce of some business firms like Bank, Insurance, Transport, Logistic, Communication process, buying house, liaison office, money laundering etc.
International Relation:
RMG sector helps Bangladesh to make international relationships among the other countries in the world. Bangladesh exports garments to different nations of the world such as U.S.A, UK, Germany, France and other E.U countries which make a better international relationship among the nations.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.