Professional Relationship of Merchandisers
Noor Ahmed Raaz
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Lecturer, Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Professional Relationship:
Merchandisers in an industry work as a team. In an apparel industry teamwork improving productivity so, this is very important for the execution of an export order. We all know that, every person has different Personality, test, choice, perception and motivation that’s why, this teamwork is not easily found. To ensure a good teamwork in an industry, a merchandiser must be improved professional relationship and attitude. Generally every professional working place, the employees are engaged three kinds of relationship with each others.
1. I Win You Lose
2. I Lose You Lose
3. I Win You Win
These types are not only used in professional working place but also used in textile merchandising department. I also face this in my working place. Now I am going to discuss in the light of my job experiences.
1. I Win You Lose:
This quality of merchandiser is selfish. They can’t tolerant other improve and self seekers at the expense. This behaves are making a bad impression to colleagues, subordinates and seniors. They always try to stop others progress and improvement. This way of life is harmful for career which also destroying for the teamwork and friendly work environment. As a result, productivity falters.
2. I Lose You Lose:
There is a second category of peoples who has the poor mentality that’s why can’t get success at workplace and become jealous of others. This type of peoples wants to stop others success at any cost. Their mentality is “I lose, you lose”. This types of behaving and culture is creating an unfriendly environment at workplace and conflict with each others. As a result, productivity falters.
3. I Win You Win:
In a merchandising department, this is the best method that making a co-operative and friendly relationship among merchandisers. This Friendly relationship makes to higher motivation, good morale of merchandisers therefore, grow up attitude. This attitude greatly contributes to work culture and increasing productivity, which eventually leads to win-win-win situation in an industry.
For making win-win situation a merchandiser should be used three opportunity in the workplace.
Above all this discussion, we can easily say that, “I Win, You Win” is the best attitude for a merchandiser. So, in the merchandising sector should maintain win-win situation with each others. The professional relationship of a merchandiser should be like this. By this professional relationship, a merchandiser gets strong attitude. This attitude helps grow up a good teamwork and we all know that, teamwork improving productivity.
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Speech from the writer:
If you read this article with full concentration, then you can easily answer the following questions-
- Merchandising attitude for productivity
- A Merchandising Teamwork for win-win situation
- How to Improve Merchandising teamwork
- Merchandisers in an industry work
- Merchandising relationship for an order execution

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
Nice post dosto…
Thanks Dosto.
Thanks bondhu
Thanks bondhu.