Job Responsibility and Qualities of an Assistant Merchandiser
Delwar hossain (himal)
Asst. merchandiser
Ultimate sourcing Ltd.
Uttara, sector-6, road-10
Assistant merchandiser is very important for manufacturing organizations or baying agency. Assistant merchandiser provides administrative support to merchandise managers at companies that sell make and distribute products. Assistant merchandisers also support merchandise managers and purchasers as they find, develop and ship products. In this regards as an assistant merchandisers need have some experience and qualities. By the help of my job experience, now I would like to discuss about the job responsibility and qualities of an Asst. merchandiser.
Job Responsibility and Qualities of an Assistant Merchandiser:
Responsibilities and qualities of an Asst. merchandiser details as follows-
1. Fluent in Written and spoken English.
2.. Properly follow-up merchandiser command & Guidelines skills.
3. Try to advanced planning and analytical skills, including computer skills.
4. Follow-up buyer order requirements carefully.
5. In from to merchandiser manager if found any kinds of new or existing inquiry from buying agent/ or buyer.

A merchandising office
6. Strong customer awareness and understanding.
7. Time keeping & ability to meet stringent deadlines.
8. Follow-up PP sample/Development sample /shipment sample carefully.
9. Every day check Email properly.
10. Development relationship with senior person skills.
11. Every day share with merchandiser manager essential customer requirements if doubt able.
12. Follow-up production line report every day.
13. Good judgment and decision making skills.
14. Discreet, professional and well spoken, with excellent communication skills.
15. Update and collect total company seasonal buyer order or requirements and review with merchandiser manager/ merchandising director.
All above discussion, it is easily said that, Asst. merchandiser is one of the most important people in the merchandising department in an apparel industry. Without perfect assistant this department never be accomplished. Finally, as an asst. merchandiser works with hard and using administrative and computer skills, they may proof reports for accuracy and address concerns of disgruntled customers. So on the job training is necessary in this position.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.
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