Functions of Finishing Section in Garments

Purnendu Nath
Senior Merchandiser
Nagal Garment Industries Ltd
Virar East (Maharashtra), India
Garment Finishing:
Finishing is the last stage of packed garments those are ready for sale. Therefore, it is one of the most important stage in whole garments manufacturing process. In a garment industry finishing section involves with garment washing, checking, final inspection, pressing, packing, etc. Proper finishing process can be improved quality of garments and make on time order shipment. Now I would like to discuss about the garments finishing process steps by steps.
Major Functions of Garments Finishing:
There are 4 major Functions of garments finish are as follows-
- Washing
- Checking
- Pressing
- Packing.
1. Garments Washing:
Let me elaborate the same, once garments out from sewing machine first step we take generally which is washing. To wash bulk garment we follow the Buyer comments, we wash the garments as per Buyer requirement like if they want Normal wash then we do the same using only water. If Buyer needs soft hand feel or chemical wash on a garment then we use chemical during washing.

Garments Washing Machine
2. Garments Checking:
After washing 2nd function is checking, once garments come from the washing department for checking department, then a team starts to check garments, whether stitching is properly done or is there any spots on the garment. If they find any spot they remove it using chemicals and if there is a major stitching problem they return back it to sewing department to rectify the same.

Garments Checking
3. Garments Pressing:
Now the 3rd function is pressing (Ironing) once garment comes to pressing department pressmen start pressing following required measurements and Buyer comments. If Buyer needs hard press, flat or light steam press accordingly pressing done by pressmen.

Garments Ironing
4. Garments Packing:
The last function is packing buy before start packing QA team check the measurements of garment, whether it’s OK or not, so that they can be sure garments will pass during final inspection. After measurements required accessories like tag, alarm or sticker to be used during individual packing. When packing done those packed garments to be packaged in a carton as per Buyer instructions and its ready for final inspection to dispatch.

Garments Packing
These are all very important segment because looks and presentation of garment depend on above all.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.