100 Most Common Abbreviations in Textile Engineering
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising
Asst. Prof., Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Email: mnnabi@adust.edu.bd
Textile Abbreviations:
An abbreviation is a condensed form of a written word or phrase. There are various types of terms and definitions used in the textile sector. Most of the times we can’t recognize those abbreviations. For professional activities, we should have clear ideas about those important terms and definitions. We all know that the textile sector has four streams such as Yarn Manufacturing, Fabric Manufacturing, Wet Processing, and Apparel or Garment Manufacturing. For this reason today I will try to pick up 100 most textile used terms with their abbreviations.
Abbreviations in Textile:
The 100 most common abbreviations in textile are as follows-
- AFIS= Advance Fiber Information System.
- B.G.W.U.C= Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council.
- B.G.M.E.A.= Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers Exporters Association.
- B.P.I= Beats per Inch.
- B.S.= Bottom Shaft.
- B.T.M.C.= Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation.
- BIAS= Bale Inventory Analysis System.
- BKMEA= Bangladesh Knitting Manufacturers and Exporters Association.
- C and F= Cost and Freight.
- C. D. S= Count Data System.
- C.B.C= Carpet Batching Cloth.
- C.B.L= Center Back Line
- C.E= Cleaning Efficiency.
- C.F.L.= Center Front Line.
- C.I.F= Cost of Insurance and Freight.
- C.M.C= Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose.
- C.M.O.= Cost of Making Order.
- C.M.S.= Carboxyl Methyl Starch.
- C.M.T.= Cost of Making with Trimming.
- C.P.I= Course Per Inch.
- C.P.M= Course Per Meter.
- C.R.E= Constant Rate of Elongation.
- C.R.L= Constant Rate of Loading.
- C.R.T= Constant Rate of Traverse.
- C.S.=Crank Shaft.
- C.S.P= Count Strength Product.
- C.V%= Co- Efficient of Variation Percentage.
- CAV= Critical Application Value.
- CSD= Chartered Society of Designers.( U.K).
- D.C.= Draft Constant.
- D.C.C.P.= Draft Constant Change Pinion.
- D.C.P = Draft Change Pinion.
- DMI = Design Management Institute.(U.K).
- DMT= Di-Methyl Terepthalate.
- DRS= Design Research Society. (U.K).
- E.P.B.= Exporter Promotion Bureau.
- F.F.P= Floating Fiber Percentage.
- F.O.B.= Free On Board.
- F.O.I= Fiber Quality Index.
- G.S.M.= Gram Per Square Meter.
- H.E.C.= Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose.
- H.S.C= Highest Standard Count.
- H.V.I= High Volume Instrument.
- I.S. O= International Standard Organization.
- ICA= International Color Authority.
- ICSID= International Council of Societies of Industrial Design
- IIC= International Institute for Cotton.
- L.C.P.= Lifter Change Pinion.
- L.C.W= Lift Change Wheel.
- L.R.= Interlacing Ratio.
- LINRA= Linen Industry Research Association.
- M.D =Mechanical Draft.
- M.M.F= Man Made Fiber.
- M.R =Moisture Ratio.
- M.T.P.I.= Mechanical Twist Per Inch.
- M:L=Weight of the liquid (water).
- MIC= Micronaire Value.
- N.S.A.= No Seam Allowance.
- P.C.W= Production Change Wheel.
- P.I= Pressleys Index.
- P.L.C.W.= Present Lift Change Wheel.
- P.M .D= Percentage Mean Deviation.
- P.R.W.= Present Ratchet Wheel.
- P.S.I = Pressure per Square Inch.
- P.W= Pooker Wheel.
- PET= Poly Ethylene Terepthalate.
- PPM= Partes Per Million.
- PVA= Poly Vinyl Amide.
- R.D= Reflectance Degree.
- R.L.C.W.= Required Lift Change Wheel.
- A.D = Actual Draft.
- R.P.M =Revolution Per Minute.
- R.P.M. = Revolution Per Minute.
- R.R.W= Required Ratchet Wheel.
- R.W. = Ratchet Wheel.
- S.C.F= Seed- Coat Fragments.
- S.C.I= Spinning Consistency Index.
- S.C.P. = Spindle Change Pinion.
- S.P.M.F= Multi-Function Separator.
- S.S.C.P= Spindle Speed Change Pinion.
- T.C.C.P.= Twist Constant Change Pinion.
- T.C.P.= Twist Change Pinion.
- T.D = Time Delay.
- T.F = Twist Factor.
- T.G = Tacho Generator.
- T.M= Twist Multiplier.
- T.P.CM=Twist Per Centimeter.
- T.P.I=Twist Per Inch.
- T.P.M= Twist Per Meter.
- T.R.O= Turkey Red Oil
- T.S.= Top Shaft .
- T.W.= Tapper Wheel.
- U.H.M.L= Upper Halt Mean Length.
- U.I = Uniformity Index.
- U.R= Uniformity Ratio.
- W.I= Wear Index.
- W.P.Cm.=Wales Per Centimeter.
- W.P.I.= Wales Per Inch.
- W.T.O.= World Trade Organization.
- WIRA= Woolen Industries Research Association.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.