How to Inspect Fabric in Garments Industry
Noor Ahmed Raaz
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Owner and Editor in chief Textile Merchandising
Asst. Prof., Department of Textile Engineering
Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology
Fabric Inspection:
Fabric is the main raw material for garments manufacturing process. Therefore, fabric inspection is a very important task in the garment industry. Fabric inspection focuses on fault/defect rate, shade, end to end & edge to middle shading, handle and appearance. Now I would like to discuss about the method of fabric inspection and 4 point system.
Method of Fabric Inspection:
- Select the rolls to inspect
- Both fabric manufacturer and garment manufacturers’ inspector to have an approved fabric submission form to compare bulk to bulk.
- Put the rolls on the inspection machine or viewing device.
- In order to assess shade continuity please refer to Best Practice for Shade Continuities
- Inspect for visual defects with the light on at a speed slow enough to find the defects. (The fabric must be checked at a slow rate in order to effectively find flaws). Sometimes inspector may have to turn the light off to see how a flaw will affect the appearance of a garment.
- Check for skewed, biased, and bowed fabric.
- Woven Fabrics: maximum 3%
- Knitted Fabrics: maximum 5%
Fabric Inspection
- Mark any defects to the side with colored tape or thread so that they can be easily found and noted
- Some garment makers will require faults to be marked with a sticker on the fault. This should be communicated in pre-production meetings
- Check that the roll contains the correct yardage as stated by the piece goods source
- Record any defects. Defects must be recorded for every roll and clearly identified on the roll ticket. Records must be kept.
Four Point System:
There are two methods is available in the garments industry. They are 4 point system and 10 point system. But 4 point system is vastly used in the garment industry for fabric inspection. Normally 4 point system is used for better quality of fabric inspection. In the apparel industry, 4 point system is calculated on the basis of fabric cut mark and hole or opening. They are as follows-

Four Point System for Fabric Inspection
On the basic of cut mark
Size of fault | Defect point / Penalty point |
Up to 3” | 1 |
3-6” | 2 |
6-9” | 3 |
Above 9 | 4 |
On the basic of hole and opening
Size of fault | Defect point / Penalty point |
Up to 1” | 2 |
Above 1” | 4 |
about an intact fabric roll
Fabric length = 110 inch,
Fabric width = 54 inch,
and fabric contains the following defects:-
Size of Defect | Multiple | Point |
5 defects up to 3 inch | 5 X 1 | 5 |
4 defects over 3 inch but less 6 inch | 4 X 2 | 8 |
2 defects over 6 inch but less 9 inch | 2 X 3 | 6 |
1 defects over 9 inch | 1 X 4 | 4 |
1 hole up to 1 inch dimensions | 1 X 2 | 2 |
1 hole over 1 inch dimensions | 1 X 4 | 4 |
Total defect point | = | 29 |
Points per 100 yard square
Total points X 36 inch
=……………………………………………………… X 100
Fabric width in inches X Fabric length in inches
29 X 36
………… X 100
110 X 54
= 17.58
so, the defect points per 100 yard square is 17.58
We know that, 40 points per 100 yards is the acceptable that means the roll of fabric is accepted.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.