Differences between Lining and Interlining
S M Fijul Kabir (Mahin)
B.Sc. in Textile Engineering (CU)
Specialized in Apparel Manufacturing
Lecturer, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
Email: smfijulkabir@gmail.com
Lining and interlining are most common words in the garments manufacturing process, but sometime these essential elements of garments are making confuse. But the responsibility of these garment accessories is completely different. Generally lining is used to cover the inner surface of garments; on the other hand interlining is used between two layers of fabric in garments. The main purposes of these elements are maintaining the shape and comfort for garments. Now I would like to discuss about lining, interlining and their differences.
Lining is a piece of fabric which is used to cover the inner surface of garments. This fabric is especially used when inner face employs different materials from the outer surface. Different kinds of lining are used in the garments manufacturing process such as jacket, coat, overcoat, trouser, etc. In the garment manufacturing process lining fabrics are used as silk lining, printed lining, light weight cotton, Stretch lining, Satin lining etc.

The Interlining is known as supportive fabric in garments which is used between two layers of fabric. This fabric attaches to garments through the sewing or heating process. The main purpose of these fabrics is used to hold up, support, control area of garments and to keep real shape. Generally two types of interlining are used in garment processing which are fusible Interlining and non fusible interlining.

The differences between Lining and Interlining:
1. A common term used to cover inner surface of garments, especially when inner face employs different materials from the outer surface.
1. Interlining is an important accessory in garments, which is used between two layers of fabric.
2. Generally smooth and lustrous fabrics made of silk or manufactured fiber or cotton is used in lining.
2. Interlining fabric is made of cotton, nylon, polyester; viscose and wool are used in interlining.
3. Lining is mostly applied in jacket and coats.
3. Interlining is generally used in cuffs, collar and the front part of jacket and coats.
4. Lining can be lustrous wool alpaca fabric or silk filling.
4. Interlining can be used canvas flannel and non-woven fabric.
5. Lining is joined by sewing.
5. Interlining is joined by fusing and sewing.
6. This is used to feel comfort and to prevent wear on a side.
6. This is used to hold up, support, control area of garments and to keep real shape.

Founder & Editor of Textile Merchandising. He is an Assistant Professor and Chairman of the Textile Engineering Department of a Reputed University in Bangladesh. He has performed numerous Research Regarding Textile Engineering. He has also received two times “Research & Development Fellowship” from the Ministry of Science & Technology in Bangladesh. For any further queries, please contact email at raju.uttara105@gmail.com or WhatsApp at +8801673758271.